Jeroen Clemens

Jeroen Clemens

For more information see personal website: 

Fields of expertise

Language teaching is important, fascinating and constantly changing. Clemens has been involved in Language teaching since over 40 years,  as a language teacher, a teacher trainer, a coach/trainer and as a consultant and researcher. He also gives keynotes and lectures and writes articles and blogs and active in several (inter)national professional networks.
See here more details on professional activities.

With the rise of the internet and digital tools and platforms, the use of language to communicate, enjoy and learn has changed a lot in the last two decades. Clemens focusses on Digital Literacies and language education.

In 2017, Clemens was officially declared as a Pioneer Digital Literacy, in the first edition of Digital Literacy Handbook/ Handboek Digitale geletterdheid, published by Kennisnet, the public organisation for Education & ICT in the Netherlands. The Handbook  contains an interview with me, in Dutch, about digital literacy and the role of language teaching.

Institution / Country
Clemens is an independent consultant, trainer/ coach,  researcher, teacher and speaker, living in the Netherlands.


Dutch (mother tongue), Fluent in English, Sufficient in German, Can speak and understand some French and Spanish. 

Membership and functions in professional organisations


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