Blog #9 Get Readers on the Wavelength of Emotions (GROWE) project
Two birds with one stone
By Ariana-Stanca Vacaretu and Maria Kovacs, Asociatia LSDGC Romania
In this blog, we first describe how we built on our experiences and partnerships to develop a European project called Get Readers on the Wavelength of Emotions (GROWE). Next, we share the conceptual model that underpins the GROWE project, and some findings about the impact of the GROWE teacher training program.
When we first thought of the GROWE project, our motivation was to collaborate with European partners to work out a way for the secondary classroom to tackle disciplinary literacy and social-emotional learning simultaneously. We had had the experience of the Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking (RWCT) program, and that of the EUMOSCHOOL project to build on. And we had a clear picture of who would be good European partners in this project.… Read the rest