Dorothee Gaile Projects
I International / European Projects:
2014 – 2016: Member of the “European Literacy Policy Network – ELINET”, thematic working group on ’Adolescent and disciplinary literacy’ (
2013-2014: Literacy expert in an EU-project within the Comenius-programme (Accompanying Measures): “ISIT – Implementation Strategies for Innovations in Teachers´ Professional Development” (cf. information at
2011-2012: Literacy expert in an EU-project within the Comenius-programme (Multilateral Projects): “BaCuLit – Basic Curriculum for Teachers´ In-Service Training in Content Area Literacy in Secondary Schools” (cf. information at
2006-2009: Literacy expert in a European project within the SOCRATES-programme of the European Commission: “ADORE. Teaching Struggling Adolescent Readers. A Comparative Study of Good Practice in European Countries”,; cf. Garbe, Holle & Weinhold 2010
1995-2001: Project leader of European Studies Projects at the Elly-Heuss-Schule, a grammar school in Wiesbaden (Germany), in cooperation with 8 European partner schools, financed by the Sokrates/ Comenius I programme of the Eurpopean Commission: 1995/96 Cultural environment, how unique is it? 1996/97 Change and continuity – a comparative Study of the Changes in Europe during the last 50 years. A European career, job and career opportunities for young people in Europe 1997/98 An examination of national stereotypes and a possible loss of national identity . Intercultural awareness. 1998-2001 Tolerance. How can peaceful living in diversity be achieved?
II German Projects:
2009-2013: Coordinator of standards-based teacher training projects in Hessen. Office for Teacher Training. Frankfurt/ Main
2007-2008 Hessian representative in the nation-wide initiative: “for.mat. Materialien und Konzeptionen zur kompetenz- bzw.standardbasierten Unterrichtsentwicklung”, a project of the Deutsche Kultusministerkonferenz (Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs in the Federal Republic of Germany) aiming at the development of professional learning communities in schools focussed on improving teaching quality in mathematics, natural sciences, German and the first foreign language,
2005-2008 Project leader of “Lese- und Sprachförderung in der Sekundarstufe I”, a modular qualification of facilitators for regional and in-service teacher training on literacy development in secondary schools (grades 5-10). Wiesbaden and Frankfurt/Main
2003-2004 Member of coordinating team in “Lese- und Sprachförderung nach PISA” , teacher training programme for improving literacy in secondary schools facing the PISA-challenge. Office for Teacher Training. Wiesbaden and Frankfurt/Main
2003-2005 Co-Investigator in the research project ‘National and international assessment studies’. Hessian Project Office for national and international student assessments . Wiesbaden (Germany)