Dorothee Gaile Selected Lectures
2003 – 2020 : around 80 lectures, workshops and seminars for teachers and teacher trainers on reading research, reading instruction and promotion especially for struggling readers, reading and writing promotion as a “joint venture” in schools, assessment for learning as a tool for individualized learning etc..
Selected lectures on international best-practice models for literacy development
Lecture at virtual Conference ‘World Literacy Summit’- Oxford University (UK). Title of lecture: ELINET-European Literacy Policy Association. Facing the European Literacy Challenge (2020)
- Lecture at virtual Conference ‘World Literacy Summit’- Oxford University (UK). Title of lecture: The PeP- Project- Developing perspectives through progress in Literacy
Key note speech at Conference ‘Reading Version 2.0’ – University of Applied Sciences Graz (Austria). Title of key note speech: Successful international concepts of reading development (2014)
Lecture and workshop at conference ‘Supporting literacy development after PISA’ – Academy of Arnoldshain (Germany) . Title of lecture: Reading for Understanding, a Californian best practice model for struggling readers (2009)
Lecture at conference by National German Office for Migration, ‘Universities in the immigration society, language education in the immigration society. University Jena (Germany). Title of lecture: Reading Apprenticeship, a second chance for struggling adolescent readers (2007)
Lecture and workshop at 15th European Reading Congress organized by German Society for Reading and Writng (DGLS). Humboldt University Berlin (Germany). Title: Reading Apprenticeship – It’s not too late if Johnny still can’t read in class 9 (2007)
Lecture and workshop at Conference of the Austrian Bookclub- Steiermark (Austria). Title of lecture: Strategies as mental tools for text comprehension (2007)
Lecture and workshop (together with Ruth Schoenbach of WestEd Institute, Oakland, California) at Conference ‘Reading Development’ at University of Applied Sciences Vienna (Austria). Title of lecture: If Johnny still can’t read in class nine, it’s not too late. The ‘Reading Apprenticeship’ model (2007)