Dorothee Gaile Short CV
Dorothee Gaile studied English and French Language & Literature, and Pedagogy at the Universities of Marburg (Germany) and Bristol (England). In between she worked as an intern in educational projects in Bristol and Paris (1967- 1972). She accomplished her qualification as grammar school teacher for English and French at a secondary school in Hessen (Germany) (1973-1975). As a teacher of foreign languages with a wide teaching experience in school and at the Rhein-Main University of Applied Sciences she went into teacher training for literacy development in secondary schools in 2002. She coordinated regional literacy projects for the Office for Teacher Training in Hessen (Germany) (2002-2015) and introduced German/ European educators to the Californian Reading Apprenticeship Programme developed by Ruth Schoenbach and Cynthia Greenleaf at WestEd, CA.
Further training: She holds a certificate as a teacher trainer:
- in the Reading Apprenticeship Programme of WestEd Institute in Oakland, California (2004)
- inBeurteilen und Fördern (= Student assessment for better learning) . Hessian Office for Teacher Training Frankfurt/ Wiesbaden.(2004)
- in Change Management- facilitating processes of change in education . Hessian Office for Teacher Training Frankfurt/ Wiesbaden (2011)
- in the EU- Project BaCuLit (=Basic Curriculum for Teachers‘ In-Service Training in Content Area Literature in Secondary Schools) within the Comenius programme (2014)
Award Dorothee Gaile’ work of introducing German/ European educators to an innovative and successful literacy programme for adolescents, the Californian Reading Apprenticeship Programme, and of adopting it to German schools in the years 2003 onwards was awarded by the Hamburg-seated Körber foundation. In the Körber- transatlantic competition of ideas, Usable, of 2006, a prize for innovative ideas (=Ideenpreis) was awarded to her and her team members, Jona Jasper and Ralf Schummer-Hofmann, for their contribution New approaches to Reading. A Californian reading development project for Germany.