Elissavet Chlapana CV
Table of Contents
Curriculum vitae
Post: Assistant Professor in the Department of Preschool Education, Faculty of Education, University of Crete
Address: University of Crete. Department of Preschool Education. University Campus – Gallos 74100 Rethymno Crete
Office telephone number: + 30 28310 77699
e-mail: chlapane@uoc.gr
1. Education
Undergraduate Studies: University of Crete, Department of Preschool Education 1998-2002.
Graduate Studies
- Ph.D in Sciences of Education, University of Crete, Department of Preschool Education, 2008-2012
- M.Ed.: Preschool Pedagogics, University of Crete, Department of Preschool Education, 2002-2005.
2014-2019: Special Laboratorial Staff of laboratories of the Pedagogical Research and Application of the Department of Preschool Education, University of Crete.
2017-2018 (spring semester): External Teaching Associate, Open University of Greece, MA program “Sciences of Education: Special Needs Education and Training of Speakers with disorders of oral and written speech”, thematic Section “Disorders of oral and written speech”.
2006-2014: Permanent Special Laboratorial Staff of laboratories of the Pedagogical Research and Application of the Department of Preschool Education, University of Crete.
2004-2006: Kindergarten teacher at Public Schools.
2. Courses in undergraduate and postgraduate studies
- Language teaching in Preschool education with emphasis in comprehension instruction
- Language and ICT
- Teaching methodology in preschool education
- Oral and written language of preschool children
- Teaching Practicum Level I, IIa, IIb
3. Scholarships
September 2003: Scholarship by the Greek State Scholarships Foundation for postgraduate studies.
September 2004: Scholarship by the Greek State Scholarships Foundation for postgraduate studies.
4. Participation in funded and non-funded research programs (selective programs)
2020-…: Participation in the group of the developers of the New National Kindergarten Curriculum of Greece.
2020- …: Participation in the research group of the research program entitled “ Enhancing Digital Literacy Skills: Good Practices for Early and Primary Years Education” which is conducted by the scientific organization ELINET (European Literacy Network), https://elinet.pro/
2019-2021: Research coordinator in the research program entitled: « Didactic practices for helping kindergarteners improve their listening comprehension skills. Family-school cooperation». Special Account for Research of the University of Crete (E.L.K.E.) (grant code 10592, amount awarded: 1,000.00€).)
2015-2017: Participation in the research group of the funded by European Union research program entitled «EQuaP – Enhancing Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care through Participation». [code: 2014-1-IT02-KA201-004091. EQUAP is an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership in the field of School Education running between 2014 and 2017]
2014-2016: Participation in the research group of the funded by European Union research program entitled «European Literacy Policy Network» (ELINET) <EAC/S05/2013>. [ELINET is an umbrella organization for all organizations engaged in literacy policy making and promotion]
5. Selective Publications
Articles in Journals, Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings (with a review process)
Tzagkourni, E., Chlapana, E., & Zaranis, N. (2022). Blended learning and theoretical approaches for teaching methodology of EFL in second primary grade students. In proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Confeference of Inclusion and Use of ICT in education (887-901). University of Patras. (in Greek).
Kreza, M., & Chlapana, E. (2022). Literacy development in kindergarten: preschool teachers’ and primary school teachers’ views and practices. Dialogoi! Theory and Praxis in Education, 8, 98–125. https://doi.org/10.12681/dial.27754 (in Greek).
Chlapana, E. (2021). Practices for comprehension strategy instruction: Helping kindergarteners improve their listening comprehension. International Journal of Childhood Education, 2(4), 1-16.
Chlapana, E. (2021). Didactic practices for helping kindergarteners improve their listening comprehension skills. Family-school cooperation. In Proceedings of the 2nd World Conference on Education and Teaching (pp. 1-12). Diamond Scientific Publishing. ISBN: 978-609-485-230-5. https://www.dpublication.com/proceeding/2nd-etconf#Table-of-Contents
Tzagkourni, E., Chlapana, E., & Zaranis, N. (2021). Implementing theoretical approaches using ICT in teaching English as a foreign language. Education and Information Technologies, 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-021-10594-0
Chlapana, E., Zaranis, N., & Tzagkourni, E. (2020). The Utilization of Van Hiele’s Levels on the Instruction of English as a Foreign Language With the Aid of ICT. In S. Papadakis, & M. Kalogiannakis (Eds.), Mobile Learning Applications in Early Childhood Education (pp. 302-323). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-1486-3.ch015
Chlapana E. (2018). Enhancing kindergarten student teachers’ conversation techniques in the context of their teaching practicum. International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, 5, 1-11.
Chlapana, E. (2017). Promoting kindergarteners’ comprehension skills through story book reading. In Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Literacy (pp. 618-532). Madrit: Complutence University.
Chlapana E. (2016)[1]. An intervention programme for enhancing kindergarteners’ comprehension skills through reading informational texts. Literacy, 50, 125-132.
Chlapana, E., & Sotiropoulou-Zormpala, M. (2016). An alternative practice for teaching informational texts in kindergarten. In Proceedings of the OMEP European Conference 2016: The Place of the Child in the 21st Century (pp. 203-211). Canterbury: Christ Church University.
Chlapana E., & Tafa, E. (2014). Effective practices to enhance immigrant kindergarteners’ second language vocabulary learning through storybook reading. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 27, 1619-1640. DOI 10.1007/s11145-014-9510-7
Linardakis, Μ.,Trouli, Κ., & Chlapana, Ε. (2014). Effects of a rhythm development intervention on the phonological awareness in early childhood. International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research, 78, 49-53.
Chlapana, Ε., Τafa, Ε., & Τzakosta, Μ. (2012). The influence of family and social factors in the Greek vocabulary development of preschool immigrant children during their transition from family to school environment. Proceedings of the conference Transition and continuity in education: in search of the context for the co-operation between children, adolescents, family, educational institutions and social services. Rethymno: University of Crete. [in Greek]
Τafa, Ε. & Chlapana, Ε. (2007). Storybook reading methodological approaches in preschool classrooms: their contribution in text comprehension of preschool age children. Εpistimes Agogis, 1/2007, 147-177. [in Greek]
Chlapana, E. (2009). Story structure differences and their relation with discussion quality during storybook reading. In Ε. Τafa & G. Μanolitsis (Εds.). Emergent literacy: research and applications. Athens: Pedio. [in Greek]
Chlapana, E. (2011). Τhe library corner organization in the preschool classroom and childrens’ concepts about books. Pedagogiki Theoria kai Praxi. [in Greek]
6. Selective and recent Presentations at Conferences
Chlapana, E. (2021, October). Didactic practices for helping kindergarteners improve their listening comprehension skills. Family-school cooperation. Paper presented in the 2nd World virtual Conference on Education and Teaching, Budabest.
Chlapana, E. (2021, July). An instructional programme for enhancing listening comprehension in kindergarten children through narrative text reading. Paper presented in the UKLA 56th virtual International Conference, Oxford, UK.
Tafa E., & Chlapana, E. (2021, June). Enhancing Digital Literacy Skills For Children Aged 3-6 Years. Paper presented in the Symposium titled ELINET (European Literacy Network Association) framework on digital literacy conducted in the Language Education for Social |ustice online conference, 37th Summer School of Applied Language Studies. Jyväskylä, Finland.
Sotiropoulou-Zormpala, M. & Chlapana, E. (2019, August). Teaching vocabulary in kindergarten through analytic instruction and arts integration: An innovative approach. Paper presented at the The 18th Nordic Literacy Conference & The 21st European Conference on Literacy. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Chlapana, E. (2018, July). In-door and out-door educational activities for fostering book reading and narrative skills in kindergarten children. Paper accepted for presentation at the International Symposium for Improving Literacy Policies and Practices across Europe, Cologne.
7. Participation in Scientific Associations
- International Literacy Association
- Greek Literacy Association (Board member)
- Educational Association of Greece
8. Reviewer in scientific journals
- Preschool & School Education (Greek journal)
- International Journal of Early Years Education
- Journal of Research in Childhood Education
- Literacy
- Language Matters
- International Journal of Early Childhood
[1] The article was among the most popular papers for the year 2017 with 362 downloads.