Selected Publications Aydin Durgunoglu
Durgunoğlu, A.Y. & Nimer, M. (2020) A holistic approach to new language literacy development of refugee women: The case of Syrians in Turkey. In A.M. Krulatz, G. Neokleous & R. Farrelly (Eds). Handbook of Research on Cultivating Literacy in Diverse and Multilingual Classrooms. IGI Global, doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2722-1
Durgunoğlu, A.Y. , Gençay, H. , Cantürk, M., & Kuscul, G. H. (2020). Cognitive and sociocultural dimensions of adult literacy and integrating technology in adult education. In D. Perin (Ed). Wiley Handbook of adult literacy (pp. 263-282). New Jersey: Wiley.
Xu H. & Durgunoğlu, A.Y. (2019) Motivational factors underlying different levels of reading comprehension of English language learners. TESOL J, e448, doi: 10.1002.tesj448
Durgunoğlu, A.Y. (2017). An updated review of cross-language transfer and its educational implications. In E. Segers & P. van den Broek (Eds). Developmental perspectives in written language and literacy (pp. 167-182). Amsterdam: Johns Benjamins.
Durgunoğlu, A.Y. (2017). Integrating cognitive and sociocultural aspects of reading in Turkish. In B. Haznedar & N. Ketrez (Eds). Acquisition of Turkish in Childhood (pp. 223-242). Amsterdam: Johns Benjamins.
Durgunoğlu, A.Y. (2017). Learning to read in Turkish. In C. Perfetti and L. Verhoeven (Eds). Reading acquisition across Languages and writing systems (pp. 437-454). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bode*, R., Gallagher*, R., Vang*, E. & Durgunoğlu, A.Y. (2013). Despite the odds: Factors related to the academic success of first grade students from at-risk backgrounds, Learning Landscapes, 7, 81-93
Durgunoğlu, A.Y. and IYOP Team (2012). Adult literacy and empowerment: Description and evaluation of a program in Turkey. In P. Vinograd & M. Bigelow (Eds). Proceedings from the 7th Annual LESSLA (Low Educated Second Language and Literacy Acquisition) symposium (pp. 27-46). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Durgunoğlu A.Y. & Hughes, T. (2010) Isolated language learners in high school classrooms: Implications for teacher education. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.
Durgunoğlu, A.Y. & Kuşcul, H. (2008). Providing access to basic literacy education with educational TV. European Journal of Open, Distance and e-learning. (online) <>
Durgunoğlu, A.Y. (2006). How the language’s characteristics influence Turkish literacy development. In M. Joshi & P.G. Aaron (Eds). Handbook of orthography and literacy (pp. 219-230) . Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum Associates.
Öney, B. , & Durgunoğlu, A.Y.(2005). Research and theory informing instruction in adult literacy. In T. Trabasso, J. Sabatini, D.W. Massaro, and R.C. Calfee (Eds). From orthography to pedagogy: Essays in honor of Richard L. Venezky.(pp. 127-148). Mahwah, New Jersey: Erlbaum Associates.
Durgunoğlu, A.Y., Oney, B. , & Kuşcul, H. (2003). Development and evaluation of an adult literacy program in Turkey. International Journal of Educational Development, 23, 17-36.
Durgunoğlu, A.Y. (2002). Cross-linguistic transfer in literacy development and implications for language learners. Annals of Dyslexia, 52, 189-206.
Durgunoğlu, A.Y., Peynircioğlu, Z. & Mir*, M. (2002). The role of formal definitions in reading comprehension of bilingual students. In R. Heredia & J. Altarriba (Eds). Sentence processing in bilinguals. (pp. 299-316). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier.
Durgunoğlu, A.Y., Mir*, M. & Arino-Marti*, S. (2002). The relationship between bilingual children’s reading and writing in their two languages. In S. Ransdell & M.L. Barbier (Eds). Psycholinguistic approaches to understanding second-language writing. (pp. 81-100). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer.
Durgunoğlu, A.Y. (2002). Recognizing morphologically complex words in Turkish. In E. Assink & D. Sandra (Ed.). Reading complex words. (pp.81-92). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer.
Durgunoğlu, A.Y., & Oney, B. (2002). Phonological awareness in literacy development: It’s not only for children. Scientific Studies of Reading, 6, 245-266.
Durgunoğlu, A.Y., & Öney, B. (2000). Numeracy needs of adult literacy participants. Focus on Basics, 4, 18-20.
Durgunoğlu, A.Y., & Öney, B. (1999). A cross-linguistic comparison of phonological awareness and word recognition. Reading & Writing, 11, 281-299.
Durgunoğlu, A.Y. (1997). Bilingual reading: Its components, development and other issues. In A.M.B. de Groot & J.F. Kroll (Eds). Tutorials in bilingualism: Psycholinguistic perspectives. (pp. 255-276) Erlbaum.
Oney, B. & Durgunoğlu, A.Y. (1997). Beginning to read in Turkish: A phonologically transparent orthography. Applied Psycholinguistics, 18, 1-15.
Durgunoğlu, A.Y., Nagy, W.E., & Hancin-Bhatt, B.J. (1993). Cross‑language transfer of phonological awareness. Journal of Educational Psychology, 85, 453-465. [Also reprinted in the book: Consortium On Reading Excellence (CORE) (1999). Reading Research Anthology: The why? of reading instruction. (pp. 72-76). Novato, CA, USA: Arena Press.]
Durgunoğlu, A.Y., Mir*, M., & Ariño-Martí*, S. (1993). Effects of repeated readings on bilingual and monolingual memory for text. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 18, 294-317.
Nagy, W.E., García, G.E., Durgunoğlu, A.Y., & Hancin-Bhatt, B.J. (1993). Spanish-English bilingual students’ use of cognates in English reading. Journal of Reading Behavior, 25, 241-259.
Durgunoğlu, A.Y. & Verhoeven , L. (Eds.) (1998). Literacy development in a multilingual context: A cross-cultural perspective. Erlbaum.
Durgunoğlu, A.Y., & Goldenberg, C. (Eds.) (2011) Language and literacy development in bilingual settings. New York: Guilford
National Academies Adolescent and Adult Literacy taskforce (2012). Improving adult literacy instruction: Options for practice and research.