Sari Sulkunen Selected publications
Table of Contents
Selected publications (in English):
Peer-reviewed scientific articles
Brozo, W. G., Sulkunen, S., Shiel, G., Garbe, C., Pandian, A., & Valtin, R. (2014). Reading, Gender, and Engagement: Lessons From Five PISA Countries. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 57 (1), 584−593. doi:10.1002/jaal.291
Brozo, W. G., Sulkunen, S., & Veijola, A. (2018). Participation as a Pathway to Content Knowledge: Engaging All Students in Disciplinary Literacy Practices. International Journal of Education and Social Science, 5 (8), 27−35.
Eklund, K., Torppa, M., Sulkunen, S., Niemi, P. & Ahonen, T. (2018). Early cognitive predictors of PISA reading in children with and without family risk for dyslexia. Learning and Individual Differences, 64, 94−103. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2018.04.012
Sulkunen, S. (2013). Adolescent Literacy in Europe − An Urgent Call for Action. European Journal of Education, 48 (4), 528−542. doi:10.1111/ejed.12052
Sulkunen, S., & Malin, A. (2018). Literacy, Age and Recentness of Education Among Nordic Adults. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 62 (5), 929−948. doi:10.1080/00313831.2017.1324898
Sulkunen, S., Nissinen, K., & Malin, A. (2021). The role of informal learning in adults’ literacy proficiency. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, Pre-published.
Torppa, M., Eklund, K., Sulkunen, S., Niemi, P., & Ahonen, T. (2018). Why do boys and girls perform differently on PISA Reading in Finland? The effects of reading fluency, achievement behaviour, leisure reading and homework activity. Journal of Research in Reading, 41 (1), 122−39. doi:10.1111/1467-9817.12103
Välijärvi, J., & Sulkunen, S. (2016). Finnish School in International Comparison. In H. Niemi, A. Toom, & A. Kallioniemi (Eds.) Miracle of Education: The Principles and Practices of Teaching and Learning in Finnish Schools (pp. 3-21). Sense Publishers. doi:10.1007/978-94-6300-776-4_1
Non-refereed scientific articles
Lundetræ, K., Sulkunen, S., Gabrielsen, E., & Malin, A. (2014). A comparison of PIAAC and PISA results. In A. Malin (Ed.) Associations between age and cognitive foundation skills in the Nordic countries: a closer look at the data (pp. 171−187). Jyväskylä, Finland: Finnish Institute for Educational Research.
Sulkunen, S. (2007a). Authentic texts and Finnish youngsters: A focus on gender. In P. Linnakylä, & I. Arffman (Eds.), Finnish Reading Literacy. When quality and equity meet (pp. 175−198). Jyväskylä, Finland: Finnish Institute for Educational Research.
Sulkunen, S. (2007b). The national framework curriculum for reading literacy in Finland. In P. Linnakylä, & I. Arffman (Eds.), Finnish Reading Literacy. When quality and equity meet (pp. 81−105). Jyväskylä, Finland: Finnish Institute for Educational Research.
Sulkunen, S., & Arffman, I. (2010). Choosing engaging reading materials. In C. Garbe, K. Holle, & S. Weinhold (Eds.) ADORE – Teaching struggling adolescent readers in European countries (pp. 102−113). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Sulkunen, S., & Malin, A. (2014). Adult education and training in the Nordic countries. In A. Malin (Ed.) Associations between age and cognitive foundation skills in the Nordic countries: a closer look at the data (pp. 69−93). Jyväskylä, Finland: University of Jyväskylä, Finnish Institute for Educational Research.