Winnie-Karen Giera

Name: Winnie-Karen Giera
Expertise: Adolescent & (Inter-)Disciplinary Literacy, Digital Literacy
Country: Germany
Fields of expertise:
As a scholarship holder of the Stiftung Begabtenförderung Berufliche Bildung, she completed her Master of Education in German and Political Education at Leuphana University in Lüneburg in 2013. During her studies she took part in the COST-Action-Conferences European Research Network: Learning to Write Effectively in Potsdam 2011 as well as in Poitiers 2012. She was able to participate as a scholarship holder at the European Cost Training School Mastering Eye and Pen software for studying handwriting in real time in Poitiers. The international working atmosphere sparked her research idea to digitally examine writing processes. Afterwards, she conducted her PhD project part-time at the Institute for German Language, Literature and Didactics until defending in April 2019. Her doctoral dissertation was an intervention study of ninth-graders and vocational school students in a career-oriented writing project at several secondary and vocational schools. She analyzed the digital writing processes and products with an keylogging program. This work received an award from the Faculty of Education in 2019. Parallel to her doctorate and teaching assignments, she completed the 2nd state examination for secondary-school teaching in Verden with distinction at the beginning of 2015. The next stage of her career began at the integrated secondary school Jungfernheide in Berlin, before she changed to the Theodor-Fontane-Oberschule in Ketzin/Havel and became a civil servant. There, she taught German, Politics and vocational orientation in the subject Economics-Work-Technology. She was also a class teacher for a mixed-ability inclusive class for several years. Due to her numerous literacy projects with extracurricular institutions from the political, economic and cultural fields, she was recognized for the Teacher of the Year Award by the State of Brandenburg in 2017. Since 2021, she has been appointed as a junior professor (tenure-track) at the University of Potsdam. Her current research projects are interdisciplinary interventions studies with adolescent students to promote writing, reading, debating and dramatic play skills. Her focus is on students with and without language-support needs in inclusive learning stettings in interdisciplinary school projects.
Research Interests:
- Diagnostics of reading and writing behavior of adolescent students
- Competency-oriented writing tasks for lower secondary level
- Promoting reading and writing skills in inclusive learning settings
- Diagnostics and promotion of (meta-) cognitive skills in writing and reading
- Self-regulated writing and learning
- Digitally supported writing and reading tasks in inclusive learning settings
- Professional, cultural and political participation of young people through communication training
Dr. Winnie-Karen Giera is a Junior Professor for German Didactics in an Inclusive Context/Focus on Language and Communication (Secondary Level I) at the University of Potsdam. She belongs to the Faculty of Philosophy, Institute for German Studies, and teachs literary education in inclusive learning settings with adolescent students. She earned her bachelor’s degree, master’s and doctorate from the the Leuphana University in Lüneburg.
Languages: German, English, Latin
Membership and functions in professional organizations:
- European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, EARLI SIG 12 Writing and 15 Special Educational Needs (member)
- The International Association for Research in L1 Education, ARLE, SIG Literacies: Reading, Writing & Oracies (member)
- Center of Teacher Training and Education Research at the University of Potsdam, ZeLB (chairperson for the working group Das Potsdamer Inklusionsdidaktische Unterrichtsmodell)
- Potsdam Library Society (member)
- Society for Writing Didactics and Writing Research e.V., Gefsus (chairperson for the SIG Schreiben in der Schule)
- Symposium Deutschdidaktik e. V., SDD (member)
- Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik e. V., GAL (member)
- Society for Media Education and Communication Culture, GMK (member)
- Potsdam Graduate School at University of Potsdam, PoGS (Representative for Tenure-Track Professors)