Projects Tiziana Mascia
Selected Projects for the year 2023 are:
Projects funded by European/National/Regional institutions:
MORE– Setting up a Reading Motivator in the Digital Age: introducing New Approaches of Reading for Pleasure Pedagogy in Primary Schools in collaboration with the University of Ljubljana and the University of Turku.
LEGGERE PER PIACERE in collaboration with Municipality of Venice: with the support of the European structural funds PON METRO REACT funded within the framework of the Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, organizes the project Reading for Pleasure: Tools and Best Practices to Motivate Reading.
CITTA’ CHE LEGGE in collaboration with the Municipality of Venice: Azione 1 Bibliotecari consulenti di lettura e Azione 3 promuovere la lettura affinché sia dirompente.
LITERACY SPECIALIST: Lifelong Learning Programs for in-service teachers in collaboration with Italian schools.
INVITO ALLA LETTURA: TV programs on literacy education in collaboration with National TV RAI.