Renate Valtin
Renate Valtin

Fields of expertise:
Emergent literacy and developmental stages of reading and writing competence, dyslexia, reading and spelling (acquisition, difficulties, training), international literacy surveys, literary socialisation und reading development of children (especially focussed on gender differences), teacher education and professional development concerning how to teach initial literacy and reading competence in primary schools, reading motivation and self-concepts, social-cognitive development in childhood and adolescence
Institution / Country: Professor of Primary School Education at Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany (retired since 2008)
Languages: German (mothertongue), English, French
Membership and functions in professional organizations:
- Member of the Management Board and Leader of the team Preschool and Primary School of ELINET (European Literacy Policy Network)
- Chair of European Reading Associations (IDEC- International Development of Europe Committee der International Reading Association) 2014 – 2016
- Vice-chair of FELA (Federation of European Literacy Associations) 2014-2020
- “High Level Group of Experts on Literacy”, established by the European Commission, 2011-2013
- Editorial Review Board of Reading Research Quarterly (RRQ), 2011/2012
- Scientific advisory board of the journal „Deutsch Differenziert“,2009 – 2017
- Advisory board of „Lesepaten“ Berlin (Reading mentors), since 2008
- Luxembourg Consortium PIRLS 2001 and LESELUX, 2007 – 2010
- Review board of the German Research Foundation (DFG), 2004 – 2008
- Vice-/President of the German Society for Reading and Writing, 2003 – 2016
- German Consortium of IGLU/PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study), 2001, 2006, 2011, 2016
- PIRLS 2005 Reading Expert Group, 2000 – 2008
- Member, chairperson of the International Reading Association’s PIRLS/PISA Task Force, 2000 – 2013
- Short CV (Education, Training, Career, Awards)
- Selected publications
- Projects (Research and practice projects)
- Selected Lectures (or lecturing profile)
- Teaching Practice / other practical engagements