Early and Primary Literacy
Thematic Working Group on Early and Primary Literacy
Children’s success or failure in the early phases of literacy acquisition are determinants not only of later achievement but also of learning-related personality factors like self-efficacy, self-concept and motivation.
Therefore, a good start in pre-primary and primary education is important for children`s academic and personal development. Members of our Thematic Working Group deal with the development of emergent literacy as well as the foundation of literacy. We are working together to connect research, policies and good practices in this area. Our priorities are:
- Research: To identify, compile and share important new research data as well as research gaps in our field, initiate joint research projects among members and add to the reports already published by ELINET (country reports and frame of reference for the country reports).
- Good Practices: To foster the exchange of good practices among members, based on the “European Framework of Good Practice in Raising Literacy Levels among Children, Adolescents and Adults” and to update and disseminate the existing good practice examples.
- Policy Advocacy: To advocate for European literacy policy development on national and European levels and to issue thematic policy papers on “hot” literacy topics according to the ELINET European Declaration of the Right to Literacy which identifies 11 conditions, some of them relevant to the age group we study.
- Communication and Networking: To foster communications among our members, organize European annual literacy conferences (in cooperation with existing networks), create networking opportunities and attract young people.