Máirín Wilson
Máirín Wilson, PhD,
Research Fellow, Trinity College, Dublin.
Fields of expertise
Máirín’s fields of expertise include the education and professional development of post-graduate teachers in the field of inclusive education, learning support and special educational needs. Just recently retired from fulltime work in Dublin City University, she has designed, delivered and assessed the teaching practicum, explored the concepts of teachers as leaders, collaboration in education, and reflective practice. Máirín has a special interest in inclusive policy, practice and procedures in Post-primary education. She is particularly concerned with the assessment of literacy (formal and informal), the development of comprehension skills across all modalities (aural, oral, reading, written, digital), and the range of literacy skills needed to read the world.
Her work with preservice teachers on Trinity College studying Civic, Social and Political Education (CSPE) is particularly focussed on the range of functional literacies key to empowering and informing adolescents in Post-primary education – enabling them to acquire the agency needed to critically engage with society. Máirín has an interest in active learning methodologies and the importance of engaging students with contemporary, real world, issues. She has a co-authored a teaching package for CSPE – ‘Make a Difference!’ 5th Ed., 2021
Máirín is currently researching bereavement and loss in children with intellectual disability with a view to developing an appropriate programme of support for Rainbows Ireland©
Máirín taught English, History and Maths for 20 years in a Post-primary setting. She has extensive experience in the national assessment process in Ireland.
Key Studies
- Trinity College Dublin: PhD (2014); Master of Studies (1995)
- Leinster School of Music: Licentiate (1992)
- Dept of Education: Graduate Diploma in Remedial Education (19860
- St Nicholas College: Montessori Teacher’s Diploma (1984)
- University College Dublin: B.A. English & History (1975) H.DIP in Education (‘76)
English (mother tongue), Irish (Fluent)
Membership and functions in professional organizations:
- Secretary, ELINET Board of Management
- Chairperson of FELA (the Federation of European Literacy Associations);
- Member of the Executive Committee of the Literacy Association of Ireland and Chair of the Jury of the LAI Biennial Children’s Book Award;
- Member of the Editorial Board of REACH Journal of Inclusive Education:
- Member of the Board of Directors of Warrenmount Community Education Centre.
Examples of Recent Work
- 2021 Exploring the Literacy Landscape (Eds) G Mehigan & M. Wilson
Support for Literacy in Europe – Where from? Where to? Plenary address, XX1 International Congress on Literacy - 2020 Literacy and Numeracy In-deed ILSA Conference
- 2019 Literacy in Transition (Eds) G Mehigan & M. Wilson
- 2018 Perspectives on Literacy (Eds) B. Culligan & M. Wilson
- 2016 Report on Summer Reading Programmes F. O’Shea & M. Wilson
- 2015 The Right to Read: a review Dublin Castle
- 2013 Keynote speaker and panellist, Five Nations Conference. Glasgow