Selected publications by Aoife Ahern
Recent publications
Special issue of Didactae. Journal of Research in Specific Didactics. Scaffolding writing to learn across the languages of schooling. Coordinated, with Isabel García Parejo.
Ahern, A. (2023). “Learning to plan for CLIL with the Reading to Learn approach. An experience in initial teacher training.” Didactae. Journal of Research in Specific Didactics (14). 107-125.
Whittaker, R., García Parejo, I. and Ahern, A. (2023). “Working with Reading to Learn at the undergraduate level in Spain. A learning journey”, Chapter 10 in Acevedo, C., Rose, D. and Whittaker, R. (eds.), Reading to learn, Reading the world. How genre-based literacy pedagogy is democratizing education. London: Equinox.
Ahern, A. and Smith, K. (2022). “Promoting equitable literacy expectations in CLIL: Empowering student teachers’ attitude shifts through Reading to Learn in service-learning”. Special issue on (In)equity issues in CLIL. AILA Review 35 (2): 297-320.