Conference ‘Literacy and Contemporary Society. Transitions in Digital Learning’ in Cyprus.

ELINET wants to draw your attention to the 4th International Conference ‘Literacy and Contemporary Society. Transitions in Digital Learning’ on May 12 and 13 in Cyprus. The conference will be held online as a virtual conference.
From ELINET the chairs of the TWG Digital Literacy, Fabio Nascimbeni, and Jeroen Clemens will give presentations at this conference.
The 4th International Conference Literacy and Contemporary Society: Transitions in Digital Learning focuses on the transformation of learning, being, and communicating, as an inherent characteristic of modern societies but as yet intensified due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the past year. The pandemic has accelerated the utilization of new literacy forms, practices, and spaces, and hybridized new and traditional literacies.
The wide transition to digital learning and communication exacerbated the need to critically engage with text and information, while also making visible broader challenges that have long permeated education and society. The Conference aims to provide a forum to also discuss broader limitations and potentials in the (re)constitution of literacy, being, and learning in contemporary societies.
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2 thoughts on “Conference ‘Literacy and Contemporary Society. Transitions in Digital Learning’ in Cyprus. ”
Dear Colleagues,
We are delighted to announce the Call for Papers for the 5th International Conference Literacy and Contemporary Society themed: Creativity, Equity, Social Action”, 4-5-6 December 2023, Nicosia, Cyprus, organized by Cyprus Pedagogical Institute, Cyprus Ministry of Education, Sport, and Youth, in collaboration with the University of Cyprus
Please share to your network the attached Conference Announcement and Call for Papers.
For further information:
Facebook Event:
Linkedin Event:
On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
Spyros Sofokleous (PhD)
Cyprus Pedagogical Institute 40 Macedonia Avenue, 2238 Latsia P.O.Box 12720, 2252 Nicosia
Tel: +35722402485 Fax: 22560118
Dear Spyros,
I have put the announcement on the ELINETs website.
Jeroen Clemens