Reading combined with theatre playing
A blog by Winnie Giera
The research and teaching project Stop Bullying! A Drama Project focuses on promoting reading skills, self-efficacy and social interaction on the topic of bullying.
Bullying involves the repeated use of physical or psychological violence against an individual, often by classmates or even a teacher, in situations with a power imbalance (Holigas, 2004). One in six students experiences bullying, and 80% of these incidents occur within schools. Encouraging positive social interactions and fostering a sense of community through shared learning can help address this issue (Zeichen gegen Mobbing, n.d.). The research and teaching project Stop Bullying! A Drama Project by Prof. Winnie-Karen Giera focuses on improving reading skills, self-efficacy, and social interaction through a theatre project addressing bullying.
Germany signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2007 and ratified it in 2008.… Read the rest