ELINET Contributions to the European Conference on Literacy 2019
You can see and download all the presentations of all ELINET contributions below. And the abstracts can be seen HERE.
Table of Contents
I) Lifelong Education of Adults facing new Cultural and Linguistic Challenges Monday, 5th of August, 15.30 – 17.00 pm. Chairpersons: Aydin Durgunoğlu and Tiziana Mascia
- J. Alamprese Adults going back to the workplace and learning new skills: Findings from research. Abt Associates, USA
- Cristiano F., T. Mascia We and the others: the migrants who leave their country. Literacy projects to address cultural diversity and inclusion Centre for Books and Reading Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities; Free University of Bozen – Bolzano, Italy
- Canturk, D. Asik, A. Sahinkaya, A. Durgunoğlu, E. Oztan Empowering young women not in education or employment. ACEV, Turkey
- Aydin Durgunoğlu Developing language and literacy skills of Syrian refugee women in Turkey. University of Minnesota Duluth, USA
II) Computer-based Assessment of Reading Literacy in International and National Assessments: Mapping a Way Forward Sunday, 4th of August, 15.30 – 17.00 pm. Chairperson: Gerry Shiel
- Emer Delaney, Gerry Shiel The Transition to Computer-based Assessment in PIRLS. Educational Research Centre, Ireland
- William G. Brozo, Sari Sulkunen The PISA 2018 Assessment Framework: Balancing Innovation and Trend. George Mason University, Virginia, USA, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
- Hyounjin OK, Soohyun Seo,Jong-Yun Kim, Jiyoun Kim, In-Suk Kim,Sanghee Ryu, Byeong-Young Cho Web-Based Digital Literacy Assessment for K-12 Learners: Its Design and Validation. Ewha Womans University, Korea,, Gwangju National University of Education, Korea,, Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation, Korea,, Myongji University, Korea, Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation, Korea University, University of Pittsburgh, USA
III) Enhancing Literacy Skills: Good Practices for Early Years Education Monday, 5th of August, 13.30 – 15.30 pm. Chairpersons: Eufimia Tafa and Renate Valtin
- Eufimia Tafa Supporting kindergarten children’s storymaking with technology.University of Crete, Greece
- Marina Sotiropoulou – Zormpala & Elissavet Chlapana Teaching vocabulary in kindergarten through analytic-context based instruction and arts integration: An innovative approach.University of Crete, Greece
- George Manolitsis & Alkistis Kyriakou Early morphological awareness instruction and impact on reading and spelling skills. University of Crete, Greece
- Helen Vretudaki & Athina Doulia Long term effects of an intervention program on Greek students’ writing process. Regional Directorate of Primary Education of Crete
- Íris Susana Pires Pereira & Ana Isabel Azevedo Domingues Enacting the multiliteracies framework for literacy education in the early years. Learning from an action-research project. Institute of Education, University of Minho, Portugal
- Evangelia Aravani Developing narrative skills through creative writing: The Freytag pyramid. University of Athens, Greece
IV) Digital Literacy at a turning point: new solutions for emerging issues Tuesday, 6th of August, 10.30 – 12.30 am. Chairperson: Jeroen Clemens
- Byeong-Young Cho, Scott Fraundorf, Kole Norberg, Hyeju Han Metacognitively-oriented digital literacy intervention for high school learners. University of Pittsburgh, USA
- Julie Coiro Personal digital inquiry: Connecting learners in ways that matter. University of Rhode Island, USA
- Jeroen Clemens Digital Literacy: Curriculum reform in the Netherlands and the role of language teachers. Independent Researcher and Consultant; University of Applied Sciences Windesheim, Netherlands
- Anneke Smits, Focus on reading comprehension. University of Applied Sciences Windesheim, Netherlands
- Uta Woiwod Digital children’s literature: A narrative hybrid between print books for children and computer games.Universität zu Köln, Germany
Round Table
Good Practices in Europe in Implementing Literacy Programmes in Pre- and In-Service Teacher Education Tuesday, 6th of August, 13.30 – 15.30 pm. Chairpersons: Christine Garbe, Sari Sulkunen
- Vicky Zygouris-Coe, Learning from the Past for the Future: The Role of Disciplinary Literacy for 21st Century Teaching and Learning. Univ. of Central Florida (USA)
- Tiziana Mascia, MEL: A basic curriculum for the training of teachers in literacy instruction for young children in Italy. University of Bozen, Italy
- Christine Garbe Blended learning in teachers’ professional development: How to implement a European content area literacy course in different European countries. University of Cologne, Germany
- Sari Sulkunen, Teaching disciplinary literacy in history: Implications for pre- and in-service training of teachers. University of Jyväskylä, Finland
- Eleni Louloudi The Use of Children’s Literature in Developing and Promoting Critical Literacy in Europe: A Mini-Ethnographic Case Study.University of Cologne
- Ana Cristina Ferreira de Aguiar Sarmento The Portuguese National Reading Plan.Ministry of Education Portugal
- Martina Frey-Walter, Kristina Schmitt Reading promotion in interactive literary exhibitions for children. Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt