Peer-scaffolding. Promising Practice Example #4

Peer-scaffolding. Promising Practice Example #4

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Peer-scaffolding during digital reading games            

Country:        Finland       

Age Group:        3 – 6 years (pre-primary years/kindergarten)    

Content Area
Digital tools for fostering emergent literacy 


Digital games and activities for children based on computer applications have been proven to be effective for literacy learning. So computer learning through game-playing is shown to be linguistically and pedagogically appropriate for supporting young children’s literacy learning, and this is the conceptual basis for the practice described. 
The notion of peer scaffolding through interaction and the use of process-oriented approaches has been shown to be effective in previous studies. 
This project is aimed at enhancing children’s learning of basic decoding skills, at the same time as promoting the use of different phonological and linguistic strategies by way of peer interaction, while using digital reading games. 
The authors studied whether the use of a digital game and engaging in interaction through conversation, namely peer scaffolding between the learners, supported the learners’ progress.

Project Materials/ Examples

Peer-scaffolding during digital reading games is applicable with apps dealing with phonological items and skills relevant to word-level reading such as letter names and sounds, rhyming, blending and segmenting. Even though the games are usually designed for playing individually, the teacher can instruct the children to take turns while playing. Larger screens create more space for the children to explore written phonological items together.



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