Lesen mit App. Promising Practice Example #6

Lesen mit App. Promising Practice Example #6

For a long PDF version, see the link at the end

Lesen mit App (Reading with Apps)                   

Country: Germany                   

Age Groups: 3 – 6 years 

Digital media for the promotion of emergent literacy, such as the promotion of oral language skills, listening and narrative skills, writing skills, metalinguistic skills such as phonological and phonemic awareness as well as for the initiation of reading pleasure

AGE GROUP 6 – 10 years 

Content Area

  • Digital tools for fostering emergent literacy
  • Advice/guidelines for educators 
  • Fostering basic reading skills 
  • Fostering high-level reading skills 
  • Using digital devices to foster reading for pleasure


The usage of Apps bears the potential to encourage children to practise speaking or reading in a playful way. But which apps are best suited to promoting speaking and reading? Discover the initiative of Stiftung Lesen: www.lesenmit.app.

The core task of the initiative is to review, test and evaluate apps as to their suitability for promoting language and reading. 

Since smartphones and tablets are available in many families and are also suitable for inclusive use, the use of these devices offers opportunities for establishing contact, passing on didactic impulses, and thus also for early language and reading promotion activities in the family setting, day-care centres, kindergartens, after-school care and schools.

Which skills are particularly promoted with an app? What target group does the content address? Is the app more suitable for use at home or in an institutional context? A panel of experts supports the testing and trial of apps with their experience and expertise. They evaluate apps with regard to their suitability for promoting language and reading skills. The interdisciplinary approach of team guarantees a comprehensive and multi-perspective view of the apps.

Short explanatory films, blog entries and checklists provide parents and professionals with guidance on how they can enjoy digital learning and reading with their children. 

Lesen mit App / Reading with Apps is an initiative of Stiftung Lesen, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

Project Website:


Project Materials/ Examples:

The materials produced by the initiative during its first and second terms can be found at www.lesenmit.app. The main feature of the website is review articles, which can be found under “App-Suche”. In the family section, users will find information on the use of apps and a checklist for evaluating apps. The Professionals section also contains materials for professionals working in schools and preschools. In addition, app screencasts and interviews with experts are available in both areas.

Videos – Interviews with experts

Videos – Online Seminars





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