ICT-AAC Applications. Promising Practice Example #2

ICT-AAC Applications. Promising Practice Example #2

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ICT-AAC Applications Letters, Vocals and Memory

Country: Croatia

Age Group:  All age groups

Content Area:

The ICT-AAC is based on several apps designed to assist children with communication difficulties (based on a range of disabilities which impact the development of cognition and communication skills). Hence the Apps are in the field of Alternative and Augmented communication technology for use as appropriate across all age groups.


The ICT-AAC Competence Network designs, develops and provides training in the area of ICT services for communication and education based on Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC). It brings together researchers and professionals from fields such as information and communication, computer science, education, rehabilitation, psychology, speech and language pathology and design, as well as representatives of persons with complex communication needs through parental NGOs and professionals in education, and rehabilitation, speech and language pathology. To date, there are approximately 50 FREE solutions in the form of mobile applications for Android and iOS smartphones and web- applications, available on the Competence Network website. Before release, each solution has been evaluated by end-users. Each application has a different purpose. There are built-in options to customize the user interface and content for user needs and teaching purposes. The applications are based on Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) graphic symbols.

Project Website:  IICT-AAC Competence Network www.ict-aac.hr

Project Materials & 3 Examples:    All applications are free for users on the project website.

ICT-AAC Vocals (ICT-AAC Glaskalica)

ICT-AAC Letters (ICT-AAC Slovarica)

ICT-AAC Memory (ICT-AAC Pamtilica)



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