Juli-Anna Aerila
Surname: Aerila (previous: Vuorio-Soinila and Vuorio)
Given names: Juli-Anna
Gender: Female
Date of writing the CV: 10.4.2023
Date and place of birth, nationality, current residence
- Date and place of birth: 4.11.1967, Rauma Finland
- Citizenship: Finnish
- Current residence: Minkkivahe 7 e, 26200 RAUMA, FINLAND
- E-mail: julaer(at)utu.fi
- Phone: +358445183314
Education and degrees awarded
- Adjunct Professor (Reading and Literature Education) 2017. University of Oulu, Finland
- Doctor of Philosophy (Education) 2010, University of Turku, Finland
Other education and training, qualifications and skills
- Licentiate of Education2004 University of Turku, Finland
- Master of Arts 1991 University of Turku, Finland
- Major: Finnish and Finno-Ugric Languages (Excellent)
- Minors: Finnish literature, Educational Sciences, Drama, Journalism (All Excellent)
- Matriculation examination 1986 Rauman Lyseon lukio, Finland
Merits in teaching and pedagogical competence
- Literary Arts Counselor 2023
- Master of Professional Development (40 credits) 2000 University of Turku, Finland
Linguistic skills
- Mother tongue: Finnish
- Other languages
- English Oral: Very Good, Written: Fluent
- Swedish Oral and written: Moderate
- Estonian Oral and written: Minor
- Germany Oral and written: Minor
Current position
Main Occupation
- Senior Lecturer of Mother Tongue and Literature
- Employer: University of Turku
- Place of work: The Department of Teacher Education, Rauma Unit
- Start of Employment Relation: 1.8.2005 (senior lecturer since 2011)
- Research Career Phase: Post-Doctoral Researcher
Acting as a Lecturer and a Trainer
A long history of lecturing and training on reading, reading for pleasure and the reading of multilingual groups for different municipalities, projects as well the Finnish National Board of Education. Presentations and trainings almost every week.
Other academic merits
Referee for scientific and scholarly journals (continuous)
EECERA – European Early Childhood Education Research Journal
Positions as an editor in an editorial board
JECER–Journal of Early Childhood Education Research
Kielikukko–The journal of Finnish Reading Association (FinRA)
Scientific and societal impact of research
The total number of publications is about 178. In addition, several edited books and special issues in scientific journals.
All publications listed: https://research.utu.fi/converis/portal/detail/Person/767887?auxfun=&lang=en_GB
The total number of scientific presentations in Finnish is 40 and international presentations in Europe are 50. They are mostly conferences of social sciences. Several responsibilities as a chairperson.
Registrated trademark
StoRe – Stories Make Readers (A trademark for the pedagogy of creating reading for pleasure via arts-based and communal reading).
Scientific and in-service projects
Leader of the project
KIEKUVA – Language aware pedagogy to multilingual children in ECEC 2023-2024 (Funded: Finnish National Board of Education; University of Turku)
POLKU – Pathways to Reading for Pleasure 2019 – 2021 (Funded: Finnish National Board of Education; Universities of Jyväskylä and Turku)
KIVE – Pedagogy for Comparing Languages in ECEC 2021 – 2022 (Funded: Finnish National Board of Education)
LITERATURE RESOUCES IN ECEC CENTERS 2019 – 2023 (Funded: The Association of the University of Turku)
VAKMO – Language Aware Pedagogy for ECEC 2021 – 2022 (Funded: Finnish National Board of Education)
Leader of a subproject by university of Turku
MORE – Setting up a reading motivator in the digital age – Introducing new approaches to reading for pleasure pedagogy in primary schools (Funded: Erasmus+; University of Ljubljana, Italian Literacy Association, University of Turku)
MEDIA-StoRe – Saving the Reading Skills of School-Aged Children via Media Skills 2022 – 2023 (Funded: The Association for the Research on Media; Universities of Jyväskylä and Turku)
IKI – Innovative Approaches to Language Education 2018 – 2020 (Funded: The Finnish Ministry of Education of Culture; University of Jyväskylä, University of Turku, Åbo Akademi)
ACTS – Assessments Tools for Thinking Skills 2016 – 2019 (Funded: Erasmus+; University of Lincoln, University of Turku, TA-group and Let´s Think)
Project specialist
- LULU-StoRe – Reading for Pleasure in ECE 2023 – 2024 (Funded: AVI)
- LUJA- StoRe – Reading for Pleasure in Multilingual Groups 2020 – 2022 (Funded: AVI)
- Kirjoosi – Getting Engaged with Literature in ECE 2021 – 2022 (Funded: Finnish National Board of Education)
- The Symphony of Words in Western Finland 2020 – 2021 (Funded: AVI)
- Open the Doors for Reading 2017- 2019 (Funded: Erasmus+)
- Tarinareppu – Literature for Social-Emotional Skills in ECEC (Funded: Finnish National Board of Education)
Supervisor of doctoral students
- Alexandra Anton: Åbo Akademi 2022 (1. supervisor Emmanuel Aqua, 2. Aerila, 3. Nancy Cummins)
- Johanna Lähteelä: University of Turku 2021 (1. Aerila 2. Merja Kauppinen JY)
- Anu Lamminen: University of Jyväskylä 2021 (1. Kauppinen 2 ohjaaja Aerila)
- Kati Hulden: University of Turku 2020 (1. Mirja-Maija Mikkilä-Erdman 2. Aerila)
Seyed Momemi: University of Turku 2020 (1. Sara Routarinne 2. Aerila) - Isa Järveläinen: University of Turku 2020 (1. Sara Routarinne 2. Aerila)
Scientific publications on reading
At the moment 179 publications: about 40 peer-reviewed scientific articles, 3 scientific books (one edited book for Springer), about 20 peer-reviewed scientific book chapters, 10 edited books. The publications are in Finnish and English. Year 2023, 13 publications published and 5 accepted to publication.
Aerila, J.-A. & Kauppinen, M. (2021). Kirjasta kaveri. Sytykkeitä lukijaksi kasvamiseen. [Making a book to be your friend. Enhancing the becoming a reader.] PS-kustannus.
Aerila, J.-A. & Kauppinen, M. (2019). Lukukipinä. Pedagogisia keinoja lukuinnon herättelyyn. [Spark the reading, Pedagogical means for enhancing the pleasure for reading.] PS-kustannus.
Moran, K. J. K. & Aerila, J.-A. (2019) Story in the Lives of Children: Contributions of the Narrative Mode. Springer.
Book Chapters
Aerila, J.-A. & Kauppinen, M. (2020). StoRe – Stories make readers. Enhancing the Use of Fictional Literature with Multilingual Students. In G. Neuokleous, A. Krulatz. & R. Farelly (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Cultivating Literacy in Diverse and Multilingual Classrooms. IGI-Global.
Aerila, J.-A., Lähteelä, J., Kauppinen, M., & Siipola, M. 2021. Holistic Literature Education as an Effective Tool for Social-Emotional Learning. In J. Tussey & L. Haas (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Supporting Social-Emotional Learning Through Literacy Education (ss. 26–49). IGI-Global.
Aerila, J.-A. & Rönkkö, M.-L. (2019). Huumori tuo iloa ja yhteisöllisyyttä esiopetusryhmän oppimiseen. Teoksessa M. Rautiainen & M. Tarnanen (toim.) Tutkimuksesta luokkahuoneisiin. Suomen Ainedidaktinen Seura, 76 – 88-
Aerila, J.-A., Rönkkö, M.-L- & Grönman, S. (2019). Arts-Based Activities and Stories Convey Children’s Learning Experiences. Teoksessa K.J. Kerro Moran & Aerila, J.-A. (toim.) Story in the Lives of Children: Contributions of the Narrative Mode. New York: Springer. (JUFO 2)
Kauppinen, M. & Aerila, J.-A. (2019) Luokanopettajien lukijuus ja sen merkitys oppilaiden lukuinnon kasvattamisessa ja kirjallisuudenopetuksen kehittämisessä. [The readership pf a class teacher and its meaning to reading for pleasure of students and to the development of literature education.] In M. Rautiainen & M. Tarnanen (Eds.) Tutkimuksesta luokkahuoneisiin. [From research to classrooms.] (ss. 144 -153). Suomen Ainedidaktinen Seura.
Natthapoj, V., Aerila, J.-A. & Yrjänäinen, S. (2019). Bringing Mathematics Alive through Stories. Teoksessa K.J. Kerro Moran & Aerila, J.-A. (toim.) Story in the Lives of Children: Contributions of the Narrative Mode. New York: Springer.
Merisuo-Storm, T. & Aerila, J.-A. (2018). Boys’ reading skills and attitudes during the first six school years. In Baldwin, P. & García, P. O. (Eds.) Reading motivation and achievement differences between boys and girls. Springer.
Merisuo-Storm, T. & Aerila, J.-A. (2016). Suomalaisten alakouluikäisten poikien lukutaito ja lukuasenteet. [The readership and attitudes towards reading of boys in primary school.] In H.-M. Pakula, E. Kouki, H. Silfverberg & E. Yli-Panula (Eds.) Uudistuva ja uusiutuva ainedidaktiikka. [Developing didactics for subject education.] (ss. 259 – 276). Helsinki: Suomen ainedidaktisen tutkimusseuran julkaisuja.
Suvilehto, P., Kerry Moran, K. J. & Aerila, J.-A. (2019) Supporting Children’s Social and Emotional
Growth through Developmental Bibliotherapy. Teoksessa K.J. Kerro Moran & Aerila, J.-A. (toim.) Story in the Lives of Children: Contributions of the Narrative Mode. New York: Springer.
Scientific articles
Aerila, J.-A., Kinossalo, M., Laaksonen, P., Lamminen, A. & Valkonen, (2022). T. Deep Talk: A dialogic instruction method for enhancing the sense of belonging. European Journal of Education and Pedagogy, 3(6) http://www.ej-edu.org/index.php/ejedu/article/view/490
Aerila, J.-A., Kauppinen, M. & Siipola, M. (2022). Kamishibai: Multisensory Storytelling for Arts-Based Literature and Language Education. Journal of Creative Practices in Language Learning and Teaching, 2(10) https://cplt.uitm.edu.my/v1/index.php/journal-volume/volume-10-2022/vol-10-no-2-nov-2022
Aerila, J.-A., Lähteelä, J., Mäkelä, T. & Kauppinen, M. (2020). Enhancing the Readership of Teacher Students with Digital Book Subscription Services. International Journal of Digital Literacy 11(2), 12–27. https://doi.org/10.4018/IJDLDC.2020040102
Aerila, J.-A., Lähteelä, J., Orell, M., Siipola, M., Mäkelä, T. & Högerman, N. (2022). Monikielisen oppilasryhmän lukutaidon seulonta. [Assessing the reading skills of a multilingual children in the classroom.] NMI-Bulletin 1(22), 4–23.
Aerila, J.-A., Rönkkö, M.-L. & Stenius, T. (2023). Humor as a source for collaborative storytelling: perspectives on dynamic and static stories. Humor. https://doi.org/10.1515/humor-2023-0047
Hulden, K., Lähteenmäki, M., Aerila, J.-A. & Mikkilä-Erdman, M.-M. (2022). Luetun ymmärtämisen kehittyminen alakoulun kolmannelta luokalta viidennelle luokalle. [The development of reading comprehension from third to fifth grade.] NMI-Bulletin 2(22), 4–21.
Lähteelä, J., Kauppinen, M., Aerila, J.-A. & Siipola, M. (2022). Koulun kirjavalikoimat osana kielitietoista kirjallisuuskasvatusta. [The books selection of schools as part of language-aware literature education.] Ainedidaktiikka 1(6) https://doi.org/10.23988/ad.109925t
Mäntyoja, S., Lepola, J. & Aerila, J.-A. (2023). Suomen kielen luetun ymmärtämisen merkitys englannin kielen lukutaidossa. [The meaning of the reading comprehension of Finnish language to the reading skills in English.] NMI-Bulletin 2(23), 36–55.
Stenius, T. & Aerila, J.-A. (2022) Tuu mun viereen nauraan. Huumoria paljon käyttävien lasten eli hupailijoiden tuottamat huumoritilanteet osana varhaiskasvatusryhmän yhteisöllistä arkea. [Come and laugh with me] Sosiaalipedagoginen vuosikirja 2(23) https://journal.fi/sosiaalipedagogiikka/article/view/124794