Elinet TWG Blog #1 International Literacy Assessments.
Elinet wants to update you better by writing blogs, related to the TWG Topics.
The first blog is from Sari Sulkunen and Bill Brozo, Title: International Literacy Assessments
It starts like this: Whenever there is a release of the findings from a new PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) cycle, it triggers a barrage of responses from pundits, policy makers, researchers, and the public. The recent release of the results of the 2018 PISA cycle has been no different. Commendatory words for those at the top of the league tables or have demonstrated impressive score point increases; voices of doom and gloom for countries that have shown poor or declining performance; and resignation among the significant number of lowest achieving countries whose bottom of the table international rankings seem pre-ordained with each assessment cycle. … Read the rest