Organisation Elinet 2020-2023
The General Assembly (GA) is the association’s highest organ, which decides on all affairs of the association. The Executive Committee (EC), called the Board, prepares the decisions.
Board Members are the chairpersons of the Thematic Working Groups (TWGs). The TWGs are responsible for the association’s activities. All ELINET members are encouraged to join a TWG according to their expertise and thematic interest.
TWGs are tasked with four main responsibilities: (a) collect and review good practices to share; (b) highlight promising research; (c) prepare policy papers; and (d) develop common project proposals for EU funding.
Thematic Working Groups 2020-2022
- Early and Primary Literacy (Chairpersons: Eufimia Tafa, Renate Valtin)
- Adolescent & Disciplinary Literacy (Chairpersons: Christine Garbe, Dorothee Gaile)
- Lifelong Learning, Multilingualism and Migration (Chairpersons: Aydin Durgunoglu, Tiziana Mascia)
- Digital Literacy (Chairpersons: Jeroen Clemens, Colin Harrison)
- International Literacy Assessments (Chairpersons: William G. Brozo, Sari Sulkunen)
Board Members 2020-2023
- Christine Garbe, University of Cologne, Germany (Chairperson)
- Máirín Wilson Dublin City University (Secretary)
- Maria Lourdes de Dionísio, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal (Treasurer)
- Jeroen Clemens, Independent Researcher and Consultant, Netherlands
- Aydin Durgunoglu, University of Minnesota, Duluth, USA
- Tiziana Mascia, University of Urbino, Italy
- Sari Sulkunen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
- Eufimia Tafa, University of Crete, Greece
- Renate Valtin, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany